Saturday, December 1, 2007

10 Days and 9 Hours

Yes, I did it, I finally cleaned my room. I thought that if I cleaned my room, I might be happier to sit in my room on my computer. I was wrong. I sat here at my computer, no happier to have the light on with nothing on the floor than I was in the dark filth of my bedroom. I hear my roommate, Red, walk into the kitchen. Red had left to go get cigarettes about an hour ago.

At the beginning of the school year, our apartment was full of people all the time, we had four happy freshmen girls living here. All of our friends would come over all the time. I was never really bored, if no one was here, I was doing my homework. By the time I finished, there were more people here. My other roommate, Houston, and I were close at the beginning of the year but have grown apart, we have different friends, her friends and I don't get along and we have different interests.

Red and I have become very good friends. As the year has dragged on, we both have been missing people at home. I miss Momma, Daddy, Rip, Dr. Carrot-Top and many of my friends. She misses her parents, her friends and her long term boyfriend.

Our other roommate moved out, she wanted to be at home and since home is just off the island, she can commute, so she does now.

Daddy told yall about all the boys that are always around my apartment. Well they seem to be MIA. We haven't seen very many of them in the past few weeks. I'm not sure if it is because of the holidays and everyone just having so much to do or if there is some other, unknown reason for their disappearance, but it has caused much grief for Red and I. We sit around bored all day. Most of our classes have let out early, I've taken all but two of my finals and I have 10 days and about 9 hours to all but kill before I can go home.

We go to the beach at low tide and search for shells, but after a few minutes of finding the same cool looking shells over and over again, that quickly becomes boring. We go out to look for shells every few days, but it isn't what I would call the highlight of my day.

It has become too cool to swim, I've been told that there have been shark sightings from the Seawall. I'm not swimming with sharks!!

We have some movies that we have been watching, but you can only watch movies for a certain amount of time each day before you go stir crazy.

This probably explains the amount of posting and commenting I have been doing lately. I know I don't get on very often, so I'm sure a few of you were a bit curious.

I've become sad too. I don't like being sad... Any suggestions for things I can do to pass the time would be greatly appreciated, I don't have a car, so unless Red feels like taking me, I don't GO very much of anywhere.

Daddy, have you found my flute yet?

Water Baby


GEWELS said...

Aww, I hate being sad too- but sometimes it just happens- often for no reason.

You seem to be such a great little writer. why don't you write more? I think you probably take after your dad a bit- in that he is a very amusing storyteller. Try it on for size.

Water Baby said...

I try, but I can't think of stories to tell! I write more when I get sad and bored, so I should be posting some poems and stories in the next week or so!

Mother of Invention said...

You (and Red, I suppose too) need to go out and meet other people and see what they're doing. Is there a chance you can get a job in an on-campus pub or even off-campus, or in a coffee shop? Join an intramural activity like swimming, running, band,choir,...some group that shares your interests?

If she's not interested, then, you need to go and find this on your own. You're too young to be bored and sad!

Water Baby said...

The problem is, I don't have my car so I can't go off campus without Red. I actually found something to do, but that's a post! I only have about eight more days to be here, and the campus has been pretty much shut down as far as clubs and sports are concerned. I did a puzzle and I have been reading a lot though. I have been writing too, as I'm sure you've noticed, and that makes me happy too!

GrizzBabe said...

You sound homesick!

Christmas break is just around the corner. A few weeks at home and you'll be dying to get back to your life at school.

Water Baby said...

I know, but being homesick is hard for me. I don't deal with it very well... but I found a way around it!!

bulletholes said...

You are havin yo grow up and its mostly a bad business...the last 4 months you have really matured; I see it so many ways and this post is really good...we find ways to wind our watch and some of them,m if we are lucky are most worthwhile.